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R E Lee Next Scheduled Reunion

The reunion is planned for: September 24th thru 29th, 2024.

Holiday Inn
   4601 Calumet Ave.
   Manitowoc, WI 54220

40 rooms at Rate:
$129.99 single/double occupancy
   (5% state tax + 8% room tax) = $146.89
Block rates apply: September 23 - October 1, 2024
Room rate includes free breakfast for the reunion dates (24-29)
Breakfast Buffet includes assorted bread & bagels, assorted cereal, fresh fruit, granola bars, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, pancakes, waffles, beef breakfast patties, assorted juices, tea, coffee, and milk
Calls can be made now direct to Hotel at 920-682-6000; do not call the 800 number.
ID self as for R.E. Lee Association Reunion.  Drop dead date is 26 September to hold rooms.
If arriving or departing outside above Oct. dates, members must make a separate reservation for those times.

Reunion Site
Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Click Here to start your planning early!

Thanks, Joe White
President, Robert E. Lee Association


1704 S Blvd, Suite A
Edmond, OK 73013-5144 USA

Email: joewhite727@gmail.com
Phone: 405-410-9206
Fax: 405-340-7866


Send your reunion fee of: $100.00 Each Attendee
USS Robert E Lee Association
C/O Dale Thompson
1011 S. Blue Bonnet Dr
Deming, NM 88030-4415

Email: Dale_Thompson@msn.com
Phone: 209-324-4654